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Registered Associate Nutritionist

Registered Associate Nutritionist

Yes I am back!!!

Well I checked my last post and it was four months ago. Unfortunately I had to take some time off this, as I had alot of stuff to deal with, but I really really missed this so I am so happy to be back and I am back with a bang believe me!!

So I was reading an article on the train and research carried out by the European Society of Cardiology summarised that life events like divorce are linked to heart disease.

This is the reason is so important again to look after our mental health, exercise regularly, and eat well. This something that I try to strive to on a regular basis. 
So onto my first topic and I decided to make a chicken roast packed full of peppers, carrots, kale, sweet potatoes and mixed with homemade gravy. This costed in total £5 to purchase everything, however I have leftover for me to take into work tomorrow. I am really hoping that it tastes just as good at lunchtime tomorrow. I will let you know. If you do want the recipe let me know will be happy to post this up

Have a lovely evening!!

Oh by the way if you want to read more information on the study click on the link below

