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Registered Associate Nutritionist

Registered Associate Nutritionist

Type 2 diabetes

A balanced diet ensures that all micro and macronutrients are consumed, to make sure that the chances of having dietary related diseases are reduced. Different foods contains different vitamins and minerals, therefore it is important that balance is a priority.

There are five main groups: 
Bread, Cereals and potatoes 
Fruit and vegetables 
Meat, fish and alternatives 
Milk and diary 
Fats and sugars

Bread cereals and potatoes 
This group collectively contains the nutrient carbohydrates, this is very important as they contain energy. We need energy to do a variety of activities including sleeping. Be aware that attention should be drawn to the consumption of wholegrain/whole-wheat based foods. Studies have demonstrated that foods containing these can help to reduce the bad cholesterol levels in our bodies, and help with bowel movement, which can help towards reducing the chances of colon cancer. It is recommend by the World Health Organisation that 20mg of fibre should be consumed daily. Examples of wholegrain/whole-wheat based items include pasta, rice, rye bread, and sweet potatoes.

Fruit and vegetables 
This group collectively contain a mixture of vitamins and minerals, which we need to make sure our bodies work properly, and to prevent illnesses. Examples include the fruit blueberries, which contain vitamin A, which is needed for vision in dim light. Vitamin C is needed for improved immune function, and helps to absorb iron, which can be found in oranges, peppers, including broccoli. 
It is best to consume as many of this section as possible. it is recommended to consume at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, and include as many of this sections as possible, to increase the chances of consuming the vitamins and minerals. A portion can consist of:

2 plums/Satsuma/kiwi 
8 strawberries 
12 grapes 
14 cherries 
1 banana 
1 apple 
2 slices of mango 
2 slices of papaya 
2 slices of melon 
half a grapefruit

Meat, fish and alternatives 
Collectively this group contains a rich source of protein, iron and zinc, as well as others. Protein is needed to support the growth of muscles and cells. Iron is needed for the production of red blood cells. Zinc is needed to help with the healing of wounds. vegan or vegetarians can also receive these from nuts, seeds, fruit and vegetables. However studies have shown that deficiency of iron can happen from this particular group of people. Therefore on occasions iron deficiency tablets are prescribed, especially to women, as they menstruate monthly, resulting in blood losses.

It is best to be aware that some meat can contain high amounts of saturated fat. Examples of this includes beef and pork. However it can be possible to go for lower cuts of meat from this area, if you prefer pork and beef. It is advised to go for lower fat alternatives, this includes turkey, chicken and fish, which are lower in saturated fat in comparison to beef and pork.

Excess saturated fat consumption can raise bad cholesterol levels, and increases the chances of atherosclerosis, which is excess build up of fats in the arteries, which can lead to an heart attack.

Milk and Dairy foods 
This group contains a mineral called calcium. This is needed for strong bones and teeth. Like meat, they can contain high amounts of saturated fat. It is best to choose foods lower in saturated fat, to reduce the chances of having heart disease. For those groups who are Vegetarians and vegans, there are a wide variety of alternatives, including almond, hemp and soya milk, which all contain calcium.

Fats and Sugars

Due to recent reports published in various media outlets, excess consumption of fats and sugars can lead to a range of health related issues. This includes type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and blood pressure. It is advised to keep the consumption of this food group to a minimum. The key point would be to limit the amount, and to control the portion from this department.

Overall in light of the recent increase in the amount of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, addressing the need of a balanced diet is important to help decrease to the decrease the rate of newly diagnosed patients. Not only this, but also to help and promote physical activity can also help people to live longer, and to reduce the chances of other obesity related diseases.
